remarriage after marriage annulment The church wedding is known to have an impact on employment in the service of the Catholic Church. Since the closed valid sacramental marriage, indissoluble according to Catholic understanding is if there is a public divorce and subsequent remarriage of another partner and employment consequences depending on the position of the person concerned to give a notice of termination. Because remarriage is an invalid marriage, as long as the tape of a previous marriage is (Canon 1085 CIC), and represents a significant breach of loyalty (Article 5 para. 2 Basic Rules of church service as part of church Arbeitsvrhältnisse). The disciplinary action can be avoided if, before the re-marriage a marriage annulment process leads to success.
What is the difference between a divorce and marriage annulment?
In the case of state divorce ends a marriage to the date of sentencing. In a marriage annulment verdict is found that from the beginning, ie at the time of marriage, no valid marriage has been concluded (see Guide Ecclesiastical Court marriage, Münster 2001, p. 34). Where can
you turn to if you want to apply for a marriage annulment process?
competent ecclesiastical tribunal I. Instance is the Officiality, diocesan consistory court or (see Guide Ecclesiastical Court marriage, Münster 2001, S, 89, is the name different in the respective dioceses). There is also a consultancy service. A defense lawyer in the marriage annulment process is not absolutely necessary but is recommended. Advice and representation by specially licensed lawyers in the ecclesiastical court (Ratings Ecclesiastical Court marriage, Münster 2001, p. 103).
employer learns of the church some of the Procedures?
The nullity of marriage is a non-public trial at which all parties are sworn to secrecy. The verdict will be issued only to the parties. It is up to them to use it. The church as an employer is not informed of the procedure. If necessary, the court may confirm that a marriage is declared null and void without the plea must be named (see Guide Ecclesiastical Court marriage, Münster 2001, p. 110)
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