To form a valid autograph will, the testator must write it by hand and sign (§ 2247 para 1 BGB). So I just have no way out if someone else writes the text and the testator himself only signs, or when a machine written text will be signed. Although it is well meaning, to the text with poor handwriting of the deceased have read, this decision be ineffective.
The testator should specify in his will, at which time (day, month, year) and at which place he has built the will (§ 2247 para 2 BGB). This information is not absolutely necessary. If, however, arise from the absence of this information doubts about the validity of the will, it is only effective if the findings can be determined at the time and place elsewhere (§ 2247 BGB para 5). As a precaution so you should not forget that information.
The signature will contain the first name and family name (§ 2247 para 3 sentence 1 BGB). Signs of the deceased but in a different way and therefore can the paternity of the deceased be determined, ranging from the well (§ 2247 para 3 sentence 2 BGB).
minors (from the age of 16 years, § 2229 para 1 BGB) and people can not read the Written and can establish no autograph Testament (§ 2247 BGB para 4). You need for a WILLS go to a notary, which captures their explanation (for minors extends also to hand over an open document, § 2233 BGB).
spouses to set up a joint will in the form that a spouse is available to write by hand, sign, and the other spouse co-signed by hand (§ 2267 sentence 1 BGB). Sometimes, the undersigned shall specify at what time and what place it has signed (§ 2267 sentence 2 BGB).
can it be after the inheritance, for example, that of the omitted members alleging the will was not written by the testator or that it is changed. If the probate court, which is responsible for issuing the certificate of inheritance, to doubt the authenticity of the will, it will ask for a handwriting expert advice. This requires the original Testament writings and comparison of the deceased. The latter may result from all kinds of documents (eg, signatures from the bank or on contracts from sticky notes), but should not be too old and created over a certain period of time to change the typeface - for example due to illness - to understand can. The cost for both reports can be imposed, which represents the Erbscheinsantrag, as well as other stakeholders. Which decides the probate court in its reasonable discretion (§ 81 FamFG).
(copyright ago)
spouses to set up a joint will in the form that a spouse is available to write by hand, sign, and the other spouse co-signed by hand (§ 2267 sentence 1 BGB). Sometimes, the undersigned shall specify at what time and what place it has signed (§ 2267 sentence 2 BGB).
can it be after the inheritance, for example, that of the omitted members alleging the will was not written by the testator or that it is changed. If the probate court, which is responsible for issuing the certificate of inheritance, to doubt the authenticity of the will, it will ask for a handwriting expert advice. This requires the original Testament writings and comparison of the deceased. The latter may result from all kinds of documents (eg, signatures from the bank or on contracts from sticky notes), but should not be too old and created over a certain period of time to change the typeface - for example due to illness - to understand can. The cost for both reports can be imposed, which represents the Erbscheinsantrag, as well as other stakeholders. Which decides the probate court in its reasonable discretion (§ 81 FamFG).
(copyright ago)
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