Thursday, August 5, 2010

How To Make Household Lube

Green Card

Now in the holiday season you should think about the green card if you travel by car abroad. Although it is within the EU and EEA countries (including Liechtenstein and Norway) and Switzerland no longer necessary, but helpful. Because it contains many important data that you need in an accident abroad and facilitate the settlement of claims. But: It should be noted that claims German motorists against the foreign party in the accident and his insurance not the Green Card to be regulated. Only confirming that the German vehicle liability insurance. Own claims of German car drivers must be made against the liability insurer of the other party. This can happen in Germany, because the claims can even with a claims representative of the foreign insurer's liability will be imposed. Who is the claims representative can be obtained from the nationwide number of auto insurers.

If, in Germany in an accident with a foreign car, you should use the Accident opponents also ask for the green card. If this is not available, is the hallmark of the foreign vehicle, preferably together with brand, type and color to a note. Name and address of the driver and owner, insurance company and policy number, location and time of the accident must also be noted. With these data we can then turn on the German Green Card Office. This charge an insurance company to process the claim. The Green Card

create liability insurers charge upon request.
(Copyright ago)


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