Monday, November 29, 2010

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Economic security - a vital issue in Germany

The fears of rising cost of living, unemployment in Germany and worsening economic conditions have for many years one of the leaders the worry scale of the Germans.

"The search of safety features the Germans in particular dimensions, "said Professor Schmidt. "You desire for a secure personal life planning with solid work, a financially secure retirement and is at risk for price stability in times of crisis . . This causes great anxiety, "

The introduction of the euro for many German today synonymous with dramatically rising prices: 2003 rose the fear of cost of living by leaps and bounds and reached 2008 to a temporary peak of 76 percent.

Here you can find long-term security, our approach and income !

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

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water meter

On 17 November 2010 the Federal Court had to decide (VIII ZR 112/10) concerning the use of water meters in the consumption calculation for the utility bill. Whether the water meter consumption measurements are correct or not is often disputed. Who has to prove what? The Supreme Court is different according to whether a calibrated or uncalibrated water meter was used. In a calibrated water meter, it is assumed to suggest that reflect the values read off the actual consumption. In a non-calibrated water meter is not a presumption of correctness. Then, the landlord must demonstrate and prove that the readings are correct (Press Release No. 221/2010).

The actual presumption of correctness can be verified with the use of water meters, but also refuted. Only then has to explain to the tenants and prove that the consumption rendered incorrectly was. If he can not, in favor of the landlord takes the burden of proof - presumption of correctness of the reading - a. to build
(copyright ago)

Monday, November 22, 2010

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The development of energy markets by 2030

In the reference forecast, as well as in the variants with life extension of German nuclear power plants,
the specification of the EU directive on energy efficiency is maintained to reduce the 2008-2016 final energy consumption by 9%. This is possible because Germany has already taken action early
for the efficient use of energy.

be also achieved the targets for the development of renewable energies near or even slightly exceeded.

Given the widespread political support of renewable energies, the extended use of nuclear power virtually no effect on the share of renewable energies in gross, in the Heat and electricity production and for biofuels.

Given the widespread political support of renewable energies, the extended use of nuclear power virtually no effect on the share of renewable energies in gross, in the heat production and electricity production and for biofuels.

will not achieve the national goal of doubling by 2020 the share of cogeneration in electricity production from 1990 to 25%, just as the goal of "doubling energy productivity" between 1990 and 2020.

However, this is very ambitious target for the period from 2005 to 2020 annual energy productivity growth of around 3% ahead, while were conducted between 1990 and 2008 an average of only 1.84% achieved.

Against the backdrop of a currently dwindling contribution of indigenous energy sources and increasing climate protection efforts, the energy forecast estimates 2009 for supply and demand for power in Germany in 2030 and is taking a view at 2050. The energy in the 2009 forecast made quantitative statements are to be understood as a likely development
of energy consumption and supply in Germany, if put in the energy- develop and climate policy frameworks and measures its impact and assumptions as to arrive
the development of uncertain factors, such as the price of oil, would.

is pursued through an integrated, model-based analysis approach that is abbildet.Damit the German energy markets as part of the European energy system of embedding the German energy supply in the European single market, but also take into account as the proper recording of the effects of trans-national, EU further regulatory approaches, such as the European Emissions Trading Scheme.

As part of this integrative analysis approach Two alternative future paths of energy supply in Germany analyzed, which differ only in one respect: The reference forecast is from the legally regulated nuclear phase-out, whereas it is assumed in two variants to extend the term of the existing German nuclear power plants to 40 or 60 years.

Additional sensitivity analysis are used to investigate the effects of varying key parameters, such as demographic or economic development. The key to the analysis parameters are determined based on scientifically accepted methods of empirical investigation

Energy forecast for 2009 was accompanied by a group of scientists with many years experience in modeling and scenario analysis. The task of this group was the accompanying scientific methods and contents unbiased advice. The focus was on the plausibility of the forecast.

Source: Institute of Energy Economics and Rational Use of Energy (IER), University of Stuttgart

Sunday, November 21, 2010

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What will the energy concept of the federal government?

on feedback from the policy and the media, at least in the early days, one would have thought the energy concept of the federal government has merely to extend the term of the nuclear power plant facilities. Here this measure is only to win for the realization of the true energy-time approach and funding.

first It is worth noting first that the CDU / CSU-FDP government under Chancellor Angela Merkel has ever presented an energy plan. Because that has been married in the last 20 years no government, because it so given the many controversial energy issues in Germany no one can make law, which also shows again. The government plans remarkable long-term; extends the concept in its plans by 2050, far beyond the period can meet for a government in a democracy commitments. But it still has consequences in the energy sector, which is characterized by specific long-term. Power plants often run for more than half a century, so have the choices of a long day of action in the future. Of course, future governments to change the concept, it is not a plan that is now carried out the next 40 years. You can count on this time and even with an increase of knowledge, which may allow a correction of the climate protection goals, and hope for new technological innovations.

The second basic pattern of Ener2. energy concept is clearly "green". For the first time is a federal government climate protection top priority and declared the intention of the German energy supply to an entirely new basis, because that means that if in the next 40 years some 80% of electricity from CO2-free and half of the should come from renewable energy sources.

form 3 fühlbarste good measure for most people the very broad objectives for the thermal insulation of new buildings and existing buildings. From a technical standpoint, this is very welcome, because the reduction of energy use for space heating has a particularly profound effect. While the ambitious goals can be achieved for the future demand for heating buildings with new buildings even with affordable costs, requires the subsequent isolation of the nearly 20 million existing buildings requires considerable effort. By 2020 the heat demand can be reduced by 20% by 2050 by 80% in order to leave the building sector carbon neutral. The estimates for the costs reach up to 1,000 € per square meter. Even if it's cheaper, would now need to average costs of 1 € per square meter per month, a return on investment for several decades, what is due to uncertainty over the level of energy prices over the next decades, but can not predict accurately. The phrase "checks, the Federal Government, as the tenancy can be changed so that the future offers more incentives for owners to retrofit their homes for energy." Is widely interpreted as an announcement of a partial allocation of expenses to the tenants, through lower energy costs so also benefit from the investment have. Contrary to assumptions in the scenario calculations, which are the basic premise to the federal government has decided to impose the new thermal barrier targets for new buildings and existing buildings formally too big would be the risk that this system of complaints because of an expropriation, with surgery . Kock Whether the objectives of the voluntary, can be realized only by the state-funded and not required measures as planned, at least openly. The debate on the threat of rent increases has already begun.

4th Very also ambitious plans for the expansion of renewable energies, the main burden is to be carried by the wind. This requires the construction of offshore wind farms, since the potential on land is already largely been exhausted, where will the future be made more for less, because to provide by 2020 a slightly smaller number of wind turbines on land, twice the power. By 2030 the offshore wind farms to 25 GWe to be developed to replace the shut down nuclear power plants by then. Have the necessary spare capacity for increasing lately downturns of up to 2 weeks, there is no wind information. Whether the expansion of offshore wind energy sufficient moving forward is, of course not. The financial risks will protect the Federal Government through a special program of KfW. Establishment and maintenance of the systems but also provide new technological challenges. Restrictions may also result from the competition for suitable sites that are reserved for protected areas, roads and military training areas.
fifth also other renewable energies are to be expanded greatly, especially the biomass, but not in competition with sustainable agriculture and forestry, which nationally variable,
internationally but is an issue of growing concern, especially in poor countries.

6th The energy concept assumes that the retention of CO2 will be on the market from the flue gas of coal power stations (CCS) from 2025 and allows the construction of climate-neutral coal-fired power plants. This is in part necessary if one aims for a balanced mix of energy sources, has always been the successful foundation of the German energy supply, because this avoids one-sided mix of technological and economic dependencies. And even with such an ambitious Goal, as the 50% share of renewable energies by 2050, so the other half must be provided as climate-neutral, and without the previously switched-off in any case, nuclear power plants. Second, additional power plant capacity is needed, as it would with the increasing proportion of available renewable energy staggering otherwise the risk occasional bottlenecks in size. Also this approach requires energy that is the construction of many new coal plants, which pushes the time but well accepted issues.

seventh Big goals pursued by the Federal Government of electric vehicles. As soon as the current can be generated largely carbon-neutral, that they also as many vehicles are driven electrically in order to avoid the CO2 emissions from gasoline and diesel engines. By 2020 1 million, his 2050 even 6 million electric vehicles on our roads. This fleet will then be used as storage for electrical energy. This means that parked vehicles must always be connected to the mains, but not just for charging the battery, but even at peak demand shortage in the supply of renewable energies cover by partially unloading to. This of course assumes that the customer is thinking , Get used to the limited range of the electric vehicle of about 150 km, which should at least be enough for a second car, not always fully available.

eighth part of the energy concept and the structure of an intelligent network ("smart grid") and the introduction of smart meters ("smart meter"). The network upgrade is mandatory, since the large capacity of the future, mainly in the north standing wind turbines and the subsequent shutdown of nuclear power plants much more electrical power than must be transported long distances. In addition, the Government expects that will be imported by 2050, up to about 30% of electricity, although it is questionable whether our neighboring countries will be willing to build such a large power plant capacity for us to operate. The expansion of the European network but is definitely a requirement. So we have built a considerable amount of new power lines. The network must be "intelligent" because constantly increasing share of renewable energies to compensate for the fluctuating energy supply must be found. It is expected that one in a system with 50% renewable energy to go to "load management" must. This entails giving time flexible energy consumption in times of abundant supply, washing machine and dryer would be set by remote control after loading into operation, some devices may be turned off by the hour. This is not a doomsday scenario, but surely getting used to and certainly a sign that an "energy revolution", as it heralds the approach of the federal government, not without consequences for any individual and can be left without a change in habits.

9th The energy concept is. significant additional costs. The federal government calls an annual investment requirement of € 20 billion, calls but no number for the federal budget for the various support measures envisaged. Electricity prices will continue to rise, initially due to the large volume of investment, from 2025, the introduction of CO2 capture in coal-fired power plants that will double the power generation costs from coal. For this reason, the authors of the scenario calculations, based on the energy concept, says with great urgency, that such an approach may only be implemented if a legally binding international agreement on climate protection, all other industrial and major emerging countries committed themselves to similar efforts. Otherwise, such a program would be just for the long-term export world champion Germany associated with great competitive disadvantage. The noticeable then in the labor market effects would quickly force a correction of this energy policy, which would be pointless because the world's climate by German unilateralism is not to change.

10th Here's the real reason for the lifetime extension of nuclear power plants. It bridges the time until hopefully international climate change agreement is an accelerated development of renewable energy makes a competitively neutral. Without the continued operation of nuclear power plants would be the CO2 reduction target to reach 40% by 2020, only exceptional extra effort, because the recent savings of approximately 20% would not only doubled in 10 years, but it should also compensate for the additional 15 percentage points be found to save the nuclear power plants in the atmosphere. In addition, the fuel tax and the obligation for operators to promote renewable energy reduces the felt after the financial crisis, debt-overloaded federal budget. The Federal Government has the unpopular measure that is taken for good reasons, it facilitates the start of a very ambitious energy plan, no more and no less. It does not alter that for the first time a federal government gives top priority to climate change and clearly the leading role of renewable energies in future energy supply in Germany says.

Source: Manfred Popp
Email Manfred.Popp @

Draw And Cross Filing

Poland eastward

After a long time I my percentage of the countries I have visited to increase again. Next Sunday I am flying to Poland for a week, more precisely, I will fly to Warsaw and then take a taxi to Łódź, where our office is. Łódź spoken way, "Wuhtsch" and not "solder," I learned how.

first taxi sounds harmless, but actually means, a two-hour drive . In the end I go there almost longer with the car when the flight actually takes, but this is probably all be too bad, as I've been told.

goal of my trip is to accompany our team there a little bit through the jungle of our technologies and products-making. I'm really curious to see how there is so, because in Poland I've never been. It will be exciting for sure how one can muddle through as language, English will be there, certainly not as common as here.

You can be sure that you learn more from my trip here, and if permitted by the Internet supply there, I will complete my course tumble blog daily.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Filme Travesti Gratuito

In colorful and color

have to weigh my hard 0x1E I now times indulged myself in a shiny new phone , you know, with camera and GPS and all the other stuff.

Since it's pretty cool to always have a camera and I will not let you wait so long that her little "me" gets to see, I have a so-called "Tumble Blog on tumblr started, in which I every day will publish a picture. The picture has something to do with the day on which it is published. Have fun and I watch you look at in any case, the burning car (somewhat shaky) from today!

"my life in pictures - one at a time"

This does not mean that I write here any more, you get now on the contrary, more of me, for the same money! Cool right?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

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mold in the bathroom

mold in the bathroom

The problem mold in the bathroom probably know many people.

The bathroom is always wet and that is the ideal place for the pesky mold. Even if sufficiently ventilated, may be the mold in the bathroom hardly avoid. You'd have to wipe several times a day all dry to prevent growth. And every time when any member of the family stayed in the bathroom. But who wants to do to this work? In particular silicone edges and sink or in the shower are particularly affected. Of course one could also renew the silicone time, but one is not happy when one has successfully sealed with the silicone. My husband I was already pissed done because he was happy that the silicone is up and I wanted all the time that he renewed it because I found the spots so disgusting.

At first I thought, a new bathroom should take up such traces mold become a problem. I thought, but reality has taught me something better. It did not take Barely half a year, occurred up to this scourge. And the main problem is that these traces of mold in the normal bathroom cleaning not even be removed without a trace! So I have a new, gleaming white bathroom with black mold edges ... great!

why I'm incredibly happy that I found this product. We have really tried almost everything and asked all sorts of people for their advice, what they do against the mold in the bathroom Sun But at last one was in the process of us could help. After this tip I immediately get on the internet made smart and sent in a simple way the product.

Once applied, remove the mold spots already formed and also prevents new mold growth! Real awesome, and so easy! I'm really happy that we now have this problem under control! So I can delight in my new bathroom again!

Brownie Fun Badge Placement

Mobile Pedestal

I just wanted to show you just what I was asked the company as a new set of wheels because of my transportation is available. :-) Schick, right?

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Kundli For Foreigners

Cogeneration (CHP) of CO2-neutral production of electricity and heat - products and services of energy-finance concept

Cogeneration (CHP) of CO2-neutral production of electricity and heat - ZERO EURO Heat - zero EURO for hot water? - Products and services financial concept of energy

Hours Of Service Template

opportunity for investment in combined heat and power (CHP), - products and services of energy-finance concept

opportunity for investment in cogeneration plants (CHP), - products and services of energy finance concept

power plants

... a cogeneration plant (CHP) for power generation - in container construction with no space

  • in the house, yard or basement caused on a rented, einspeisegünstigen location in a container
  • no additional work

  • is powered by renewable resources

  • produces weather-independent electricity - around the clock - all year - an amount to backup the baseload generated by exclusively renewable energy in our electricity supply
  • by the Renewable Energies Act (EEG) 20 years of government-guaranteed Revenue

  • is a motor / generator of the renowned brand Deutz

  • is heritable
is more in

Essay Of Surveillance

investment in the market for renewable and renewable energies

The energy financial concept for responsible Management of our resources. The energy comes from the financial concept, which is important for a man! Their finances, pension, hedge and pension contributions.

energy and finance, the key role of our time . Improve the decision for green electricity from renewable energy and our energy finance plan not only your CO2 footprint, but also your liquidity.

The energy financial concept offers the opportunity for investment in cogeneration plants (CHP) , without having to own a property and assures the investors, the Kapitalanlegerin - ecology, future, energy security, yield and this all crisis-proof.

A 20 years long extra income, second income, or an extended retirement security through a secure pension. The concept of energy financial is backed by EU funding and state guarantees.
By law, the renewable energy law (EEG) wants to improve the EU and the federal government by promoting and funding for climate change and develop sustainable climate protection.

The Team of energy financial concept provides comprehensive advice and competent.

Friday, November 12, 2010

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source of revenue for livelihoods, to prevent and Retirement

For null EUR you heat your and commercial property for zero euros you have about the same time warm water - all for free.

Unbelievable but possible

No, you can achieve additional large, long-term revenue by hire a pitch for a cogeneration plant .

These cogeneration plants (CHP) are made in container construction and require a fixed space 80-90 sqm. The electricity generated power is fed into the local power grid. The containers are so made that a parking space owner, the waste heat is provided free of charge. Only the installation cost of connection to the heating system of the property must be borne by the owner himself. This is then able to enjoy long term and free heat and hot water belong to.

Suitable properties are commercial open space, agricultural, horticultural specialist firms, garden centers, or open areas in mixed areas. Similarly, this concept as an additional source of income structure in poor areas, especially for East Germany.
More Theam energy

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The handwritten testament

To form a valid autograph will, the testator must write it by hand and sign (§ 2247 para 1 BGB). So I just have no way out if someone else writes the text and the testator himself only signs, or when a machine written text will be signed. Although it is well meaning, to the text with poor handwriting of the deceased have read, this decision be ineffective.

The testator should specify in his will, at which time (day, month, year) and at which place he has built the will (§ 2247 para 2 BGB). This information is not absolutely necessary. If, however, arise from the absence of this information doubts about the validity of the will, it is only effective if the findings can be determined at the time and place elsewhere (§ 2247 BGB para 5). As a precaution so you should not forget that information.

The signature will contain the first name and family name (§ 2247 para 3 sentence 1 BGB). Signs of the deceased but in a different way and therefore can the paternity of the deceased be determined, ranging from the well (§ 2247 para 3 sentence 2 BGB).

minors (from the age of 16 years, § 2229 para 1 BGB) and people can not read the Written and can establish no autograph Testament (§ 2247 BGB para 4). You need for a WILLS go to a notary, which captures their explanation (for minors extends also to hand over an open document, § 2233 BGB).

spouses to set up a joint will in the form that a spouse is available to write by hand, sign, and the other spouse co-signed by hand (§ 2267 sentence 1 BGB). Sometimes, the undersigned shall specify at what time and what place it has signed (§ 2267 sentence 2 BGB).

can it be after the inheritance, for example, that of the omitted members alleging the will was not written by the testator or that it is changed. If the probate court, which is responsible for issuing the certificate of inheritance, to doubt the authenticity of the will, it will ask for a handwriting expert advice. This requires the original Testament writings and comparison of the deceased. The latter may result from all kinds of documents (eg, signatures from the bank or on contracts from sticky notes), but should not be too old and created over a certain period of time to change the typeface - for example due to illness - to understand can. The cost for both reports can be imposed, which represents the Erbscheinsantrag, as well as other stakeholders. Which decides the probate court in its reasonable discretion (§ 81 FamFG).
(copyright ago)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

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Holidays ... Le

... are a great invention, especially if you spend it at home, because you will finally be time blog with a few details of his life to fill. You will think certainly the public holiday here has something to do with Carnival, the But far from it, because today is the armistice of World War I meant, and since this is on a Thursday, it releases a nice long weekend with 4 days.

On the pictures you see the way my HierMachIchAllesMögliche-room, where my kitchen is. The other premises would be cleaned up a bit first before I publish to photos, see if this long weekend is time for it :-).

Last week was a holiday here in Belgium, in whom I am also happens to be somehow a little older-over age one does not speak well ... I was here time to say thanks to all who have thought of me.

If I weighed!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

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moss removal patch - How to get the moss from paving stones, etc. removed

moss removal patch - how to remove the moss from paving stones, etc.

It is often an annoying subject, moss removal paving whether this is now a way or a driveway, sometimes a beautiful courtyard with paving stones of 'schmuck made "was. This is of course to taste with moss and other green vegetation. Well actually it does because often the pressure washer and wash the whole thing simple, but this year it is even worse than it was, and the cycle begins again. Annoying!

Also with us was the search for an alternative ongoing as a friend has brought a small bottle and it meant we should try. No sooner said than done! It has now been diluted as it was on the bottle and sprayed. The words "not rinse" and "non nachschrubben" were very nice ;-) Well after a few days the first time was examined and the surprise was great. Simple and worked without really having the moss disappeared all by itself. Of course, you then should even be at the end result so excited that after several weeks there. In fact, after more than 3 months, then once again had looked very well - amazing. The result was quite spectacular. Simply without work - that was really unusual and it took some time getting used to it - but well - to "No work" can be well known, but quickly become used to.

The moss had already been settled and looked really strong and not look very nice, so I was so relieved when this finally the Beautiful cobblestone released. So what is the moss removal of paving is quite suitable. Also, the "green thumb" something out of it because the remedies is also biodegradable and made from renewable resources. Ah, the after-effects should also be mentioned, an after-effect, the whole thing up to 18 months. And then, for the prevention sprayed

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new page of tips and tricks around the house and yard

New page about tips and tricks around the house and yard

See time: normal round the house and yard

Friday, November 5, 2010

Mount & Blade Unable Connect To Server

directive promoting the use of Energy from renewable sources

In December 2008, the European Parliament and the European Council on first reading to the final directive
to promote the use of energy from renewable sources
(EE -CCD) was agreed.
On 25 June 2009, Directive with the EU climate and energy package in place. For the first time there is a European regulatory framework, which has a binding legal framework for the development of renewable energies in all three sectors - electricity, heat / cold, . Transport - creates
is the target of the policy: By 2020 in Europe at least 20 percent of gross come from renewable sources.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

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energy crops can enhance the agricultural landscape ecology.

are a promising opportunity to enrich our many local species-poor agricultural landscape ecological again.

  • energy crops Fertilizer and pesticides
  • save bioenergy is not a door opener for genetically modified plants.
  • Bioenergy: advantages instead of prejudices
  • Bioenergy is an infinite amount of energy

data and facts to the debate on an important energy source for energy crops: more: energy financial- concept - energy

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Revocation: Suck it and

for purchases on the Internet is inherently the problem that you can not see and try out the goods directly. Does the buyer after receiving the goods then his right of revocation, it can be that the seller would have a value for loss compensation. He can not prevail forever.

The ECJ had in its decision of 03.09.2009 (C-489/07, NJW 2009, 3015), when it came to buying a notebook, a general obligation to pay compensation for uses of products bought at a distance thing rejected. The right of withdrawal is to compensate the disadvantage that the buyer can not examine the matter and try before you buy. If the buyer has to pay compensation, this meant that he could exercise his right of withdrawal only on payment of compensation. But then would the efficiency and effectiveness withdrawal affected.

Accordingly, the court has now ruled on 03/11/2010 (VIII ZR 337/09, Press Release No. 210/2010). The buyer had purchased in August 2008 by e-mail a waterbed. The seller had included in his offer a pdf file, which stated: "In view of the above cancellation, we would like to add to the fact that regular filling of the mattress of the waterbed deteriorate and because the bed is not more than to sell as new. " The buyer was based on the water bed and filled the mattress. Then he exercised his right of withdrawal. The Seller refused to refund the full purchase price, because the bed was not negotiable. But that did not accept the Supreme Court. Despite the loss in value may have occurred, the buyer could demand the full purchase price because he had examined the goods only. The structure of the bed and the filling of the mattress are only a consideration of the matter dar.

to note is that a liability for compensation exists when the use goes beyond a mere review. The ECJ (supra) permits a replacement value if the purchaser of the product to the principles of good faith or unfair Enrichment of incompatible way is used. The amount of compensation may also in this case are not disproportionate in relation to the purchase price. For both conditions of a compensation claim, the seller is obliged to furnish proof. (Copyright ago)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

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The removal of mold - to which I mold my disposal reliable and long-term

The removal of mold - which I think is mold reliable and long-term remedy

Tough question, for me it was so. Numerous different remedies and try again "run" a failure after another. After all the usual remedies have failed in service, it was time for a decent product which eliminates the annoying guest called Schimmel finally reliable and long term. Annoying issue if it can not be brought under control forever.

It was actually the 12-13 products that have been tried and mostly failed - some have worked pretty ok. One, however, all have had in common, the toxic substances and that after 2-3 months the mold was back. But now it had to be something which the final mold the cooking does matter. The problem that I wanted to take a shower and do not continue throughout the day fans can work when I go. This means that I do not get away without using the mold. purchased

After a tip from an acquaintance, was to remove mold , then the mold remover and mold Stop by AGO. Now, the skepticism was great, but the desire for a mold-free living space was larger. So let's quickly look for times in the network and then look at the (unfortunately long but it just really detailed) video. After it was because it was first the mold remover used and the effect set in, well, so much else has helped quite well "right now" - remained skeptical.

The next day was also sprayed the mold stop and began the wait. After about 3 months, still nothing came back - ok now it had come at least to the best conventional means - wait.
But then is returned after 7 months was no mold was demonstrated that the removal of mold went with the agent really reliable. Fine would have to save yourself all the other (even cheaper) means can. In addition, you needed here, no gloves, and biologically degradable it was. Around recommended the whole.